Getting Started =============== Remotely administering a dedicated Orbz Server can be done in-game. This document describes the available System Administration (SAD) functions. To execute a SAD command, you must first connect to the dedicated server with the Orbz client. Once connected, open the console window (by pressing ~) and typing commands into the edit control – followed by pressing Enter to accept the command. Commands must be entered exactly as show, including the semi-colon at the end. Before all other SAD commands can be executed, you must log into the server as an administrator. Do this by entering the following command into the console: sad(“password”); Replace “password” with the admin password configured on the server (set using the $pref::Server::AdminPassword variable in serverprefs.cs). Once logged in, the following commands are available: Commands ======== sadSetPassword(“newPassword”); This will change the admin password to “newPassword”. Of course, replace “newPassword” with your password of choice. sadSetHost(“playerName”); Assign “playerName” host responsibilities. Host responsibilities in Orbz include selecting the course to play, number of rounds, and time limit. The Host also is responsible for starting the matches and managing Botz. Replace “playerName” with the exact name (case sensitive) of the player you wish to kick. sadKick(“playerName”); Kick “playerName” from the server. Replace “playerName” with the exact name (case sensitive) of the player you wish to kick. sadResetServer(); Kicks everyone out (including you) and resets the dedicated server completely. This process doesn’t take very long so you should be able to rejoin the server pretty quickly. setSetMaxPlayers(“maxPlayers”); Sets the maximum numbers of human players allowed in a servers. There is a hard limit of 10 players currently, but this command can be used to set that value lower. Replace “maxPlayers” with the actual number of players. sadAddBot(“difficultyLevel”); Adds a Bot to the server at the specified difficulty level. There are 4 levels of difficulty for a bot specified by a number: 1 = easy, 2 = good, 3 = tough, and 4 = expert. Replace “difficultyLevel with the numeric value representing the difficulty level you wish to use. Note that Bot names are chosen automatically. sadAddBot(); Adds a Bot to the server with a difficulty level equal to the pre-configured server variable $pref::Server::startingBotLevel. sadRemoveBot(); Removes a random Bot from the server. sadRemoveBotByName(“botName”); Remove a specific Bot from the server. Replace “botName” with the exact name of the Bot (case sensitive) you want to remove. sadRemoveAllBots(); Removes all Botz from the server. sadSetBotLevel(“botName”, “difficultyLevel”); Sets the difficulty level of a specified Bot. Replace “botName” with the exact name of the Bot (case sensitive) you want to remove. Replace “difficultyLevel” with the appropriate numeric value for the difficulty level you wish to use (1 = easy, 2 = good, 3 = tough, and 4 = expert). sadSetBotAutoLevel(“autoLevel”); By default, Botz will automatically adjust their difficulty level after each match in order to always give players a challenge. If you want to disable this feature replace “autoLevel” with “0”. If you want to enable this feature replace “autoLevel” with “1”. sadSetBotStartingLevel(“startingLevel”); To change the starting level for Botz added to the server by the Host player, call this command and replace “startingLevel” with the appropriate numeric value representing the difficulty level you wish to use (1 = easy, 2 = good, 3 = tough, and 4 = expert). sadSetBotTauntFrequency(“tauntFrequency”); Change the amount of taunting that Botz on the server will do. For every shot that a Bot takes, there is a percentage chance that it will send a voice taunt. Replace “tauntFrequency” with a value from 0 to 100, representing the percentage of the time in which the Bot should taunt. Setting the taunt frequency to 0 will stop all Botz from taunting and setting it to 100 will cause Botz to taunt every shot. sadSetFloodProtection(“enable”); Enable or disable flood protection on chatting. Replace "enable" with "1" to enable the feature and "0" to disable the feature. Examples ======== sad(“jujubeans1276”); Log into the server with the password “jujubeans1276”. sadSetPassword(“2sentry7”); Sets the admin password on the server to “2sentry7”. sadSetHost(“Jack Trash”); Assigns host capability to the player named “Jack Trash”. sadKick(“Topher”); Kicks the player named “Topher” from the server. setSetMaxPlayers(5); Sets the maximum number of players to 5 for the server. sadAddBot(4); Adds a level 4 (expert) Bot to the server. sadRemoveBotByName(“Lucky Apple”); Removes the Bot named “Lucky Apple” from the server. sadSetBotLevel(“Kid Crunch”, 1); Adds a Bot names “Kid Crunch” to the server with a difficulty level of 1 (easy). sadSetBotAutoLevel(0); Disables the automatic adjustment of Bot difficulty level after each match. sadSetBotStartingLevel(2); Sets the starting level for Botz that are added by the Host player to level 2 (good). sadSetBotTauntFrequency(10); Botz will only taunt 10% of the time. sadSetFloodProtection(0); Disable flood protection.